Everything About Fall Wreaths

July 26, 2023  •  3 min read

Everything About Fall Wreaths

If you are searching for a new outdoor fall wreath, you may be wondering what kinds are available to make and purchase, how to display autumn wreaths, and how much you should expect to spend. Today, we’re discussing everything you need to know before your purchase.

What Types of Materials Are Used to Make an Autumn Wreath?

Fall wreaths are typically made up of materials that bring the warmth and cheer of the autumn harvest, including inviting and cozy fall-themed colors like red, yellow, orange, and brown. Our Farmland Fall wreath is a gorgeous example.

Harvest wreaths celebrate the season by highlighting materials like maple leaves, fall foliage/fall leaves, pinecones, acorns, gourds, and pumpkins. For a more neutral fall look, you may opt for a fall wreath that features burlap, magnolias, white pumpkins, eucalyptus leaves, or magnolia leaves. Our Giving Thanks wreath is a beautiful choice!

Of course, floral wreaths are always a popular option. Mums, peonies, and dahlias are all attractive and eye-catching options for creating a stunning autumn wreath to grace your doorway.

Different Types of Fall Wreaths

When it comes to fall wreaths, there are many fun and stylish options to choose from to warm up your entryway as the days grow colder.

For a more simple or botanical look, you may want to choose a leaf wreath, berry wreath, maple leaf wreath, or grapevine wreath.

If you’re looking for a floral wreath or flower wreath, consider dried or faux sunflower wreaths, fall hydrangea wreaths, or mum wreaths. Our beautiful Sunflower Season wreath works wonderfully for the transition between summer and autumn.

Of course, you can never go wrong with a festive pumpkin wreath or pinecone wreath. Check out this gorgeous Pacific Sunset wreath!

How Much Do Outdoor Fall Wreaths Cost?

Our beautiful handmade autumn wreaths range in price from $56.95-129.95. Our wreaths are carefully made from authentic, natural materials that bring an impressive, welcoming, and elegant feel to your entryway.

Artificial wreaths are typically less expensive but also have quality control issues, and some styles may be more costly than wreaths made with natural materials.

How Should I Style My Fall Door Wreath?

Your new wreath will be the centerpiece of the fall decor in your entryway. To add some extra style, place a few pumpkins on the ground on either side of the door and pair them with some gorgeous mums.

Placing bales of hay on the front porch is a fun way to add a bit of extra fall decor. Fall floral garland can be placed around the door to tie your decor together.

If you’re going for a more spooky feel for Halloween, string up some purple or orange lights and put up some cotton cobwebs. Your Halloween wreath will act as the focus of your Halloween decor on your front door, but even just a few fun decorative accents on the porch can bring it all together and create a wow factor!

Best Outdoor Wreaths Online

Decorative wreaths are an essential aspect of both home decor and outdoor decor. Put your trust in us for all things front door decor. We specialize in handmade wreaths designed for outdoor use, as well as dried wreaths for indoor use.

Whether you’re searching for a colorful pastel spring wreath, a welcoming autumn wreath, or a beautiful Christmas wreath, we have numerous options available for picking!

In addition to an extensive line of beautiful and long-lasting handcrafted wreaths, we are proud to provide stylish centerpieces, swags, and tabletop trees perfect for any dining or living room. Check out our site to browse our gorgeous inventory and trending best-sellers.